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Hello, iOS 5? (English)

As all of you may know by now, there is an Apple event going on tomorrow. And, judged by the invitations Apple sent out, it’s for sure it will at least be honest with the iPad 2. But, let’s be honest: even if iPad 2 had cameras, smaller and thinner profile, and new hardware, it does not mean anything if it just has iOS 4 onboard.

Apple prepares for its big event tomorrow morning in San Francisco.

If we recall the past, however, with the exception of iOS 4 last year, the annual iOS event was held in March. So, we can possibly assume that iOS 5 will also be unveiled tomorrow. Also I saw someone from some blog named Technobuffalo ranting on about what iOS 5 should have. Before we move on, I’ll say this: I’ve used both iOS and Android, and I would still choose iOS over Android for its attention to detail. There. I said it.

Well, with that aside, iOS 5. What’s up?

Complete UI Overhaul

This is actually more like a personal wish. iOS, after its debut with the iPhone in 2007, maintained same interface until now. That’s four years, in case you can’t count. Of course, Apple added Webclips, icon rearrangement, Spotlight search, Folders and wallpapers into the mix, but the basic premise has not changed. Especially, if you compare the iOS to new OS like Windows Phone 7, it looks outright old.

However, I see how Apple will oppose this. The biggest factor is of course, ‘user-friendlyty.’ (If that word exists) Apple is proud of iOS as the easiest smartphone OS to use, and I do not disagree. However, if there is a complete UI overhaul, users’ inability to getting used to it will be apparent. (At least for a while) This actually happened in Facebook and YouTube, of which in both cases caused a massive(?) online protests. Twitter web did a pretty good job with the transition, providing users option to go back to old one if they so desired.

Also, looking at Lion’s LaunchPad, I don’t think it will happen for a while. If there was an UI overhaul incoming for iOS 5, I don’t think LaunchPad would look like what it is now.

Notification System

iOS's notification system is annoying, and seriously obstructs your workflow. (iPad, iOS 3.2)

Many people will agree on this: iOS has the WORST notification system, period. Just in case if you haven’t used iOS before, here’s a quick refresher course: when there’s a notification, whatever you have been doing stops, and a popup message appears. You have to actually stop what you have been doing, and either check the message, or ignore it. Let’s say you are about to finally kill off the boss in a game. Right at that time, a popup shows up. And right after you close it, the boss kills you. F&^k! (Mind you, that never happened to me, fortunately.) I was eventually annoyed by it, and turned off the alerts in Settings. And now, the sounds comes out when I get something, but I have no idea in hell what it is.

From what I can perceive, every single mobile OS has better notification system than iOS. They’re all similar actually: when the notification arrives, it shows you on a corner of screen, with a little of what it is. Then, after a while, it disappears, but still you can access it on notification tray, after you’re done with whatever you’ve been doing. However, the best implementation of this simple idea is Palm’s webOS. Palm actually took this idea further by putting the notification area at the bottom. Why is that, you may ask. If you think about your usual habits of using a smartphone, (if you have one) you’ll find that your fingers reside mostly at the bottom half of the screen. The notification area is there so that your finger travel distance is minimal. This is genius. (See the video of it in action.) Thankfully, Apple hired the guy who figured this system out last year, so we’ll see what happens.


Photo by @MeredithLim.

To be honest, widgets are on the bottom of my priority list. However, as I was using Android, it’s not a bad thing to have. The problem is, that the only way for iOS to update live information on its homescreen is badges on the app icon. That’s it. Hopefully, that’s where widgets will come in to reinforce that. Problem is, Apple may say that it will drain battery and chew up the CPU cycle. (Which was its primary reason not to have multitasking in the first place)

In conclusion, I honestly don’t care about iPhone 5. I don’t even think there will be much changes. Same design, with improvements mostly going under the hood. (Like the 3GS) However, what’s important is OS. iOS has to change. Apple, please change it.

KudoTech SmartPhones

iAppBox 포스트: ~2010/11/8

안다. 정말 게으르다. 포스트를 복사-붙여넣기는 못할 망정, 그냥 링크라니.

그래도 뭐 어쩌리. 원래 리뷰같은 긴 글은 페이지에서 쓰고 나서 옮기는데, 폰트 등의 데이터가 다 옮겨져 HTML 코드를 일일이 바꾸는 것도 노동이라 그게 끝나고 나면 이렇게라도 올려야지 어쩌리.

무튼, 지난 한주간 내가 쓴 iAppBox 포스트 글을 모아봤다. 지난주는 iAppBox에 투자한 시간이 좀 많았다. 이 트렌드가 계속 이어져야 할텐데… (=학업적으로 할일이 없어야 한다만. 그게 뭐 쉽나 ;;)

  • KT, 아이패드 11월 중 출시 – 그렇다. 드디어 나온다. 미국 출시 7개월만에 한국에 드디어 등장할 아이패드. 그럼 뭐해? 2세대 루머는 돌고 있을 뿐이고… 그리고 가격도 안 나왔고… (꼭 새벽같이 일어나 포스트하게 만들래 KT!)
  • iOS 4.2 for iPad (더 프리뷰 같은) 리뷰 – 주말동안 작업한 리뷰. 멀티태스킹 애니메이션 찍느라 고생하고, HTML 코딩 문제로 두배로 고생한 글이다. 아 그리고, 위에 사진 찍을 때 D300 잡은 손 떨려서 죽는 줄 알았다 ;; 근데 와이파이 안되는거 참 짜증나네. 밤에 자기전에 아이패드로 서핑하는데 인터넷 연결을 끊어버리니… ;;
  • [루머] 2세대 아이패드, 벌써 광고 찍었다? – 우리나라에는 이제야 1세대 나오는 마당에 벌써 2세대 광고 찍었다는 기사 등장. 여기에 나온 “1세대 아이패드로 촬영대고, 나중에 후반작업에서 2세대 이미지로 대치예정”이라는 대목에서 트위터에서 동갑내기 친구와 갑론을박을 벌였다. 아무리 비밀주의라지만 그렇게 광고하려는 제품에 대한 정보 없이 진행이 가능할까라는 질문. 솔직히 말해서 나도 모르겠다. 하지만 얘네들은 애플이다. ;;
  • 개발자를 도웁시다! 크래시 리포트 보내는 방법 – 높은 퀄리티의 앱을 만들기 위해 수고해주시는 개발자분들에게 바치는 글. 나도 이런 방법이 있는줄 오늘 알았다. 나도 자주 리포트 보내주고 해야겠다. 벌써 골빈님께 파랑새 크래시 리포트 보냈다 ㅎㅎ

뭐… 이번주는 이렇게 4개… 일주일에 4개면 나쁘진 않다는거… ;;

Android Talks KudoTech SmartPhones

Google Voice Input Keyboard – The Future of Voice Detection?

Last week, Google revealed Speech-to-Text Voice Input service for Korean. That’s second, right after English, which was announced with the release of Nexus One and Android 2.1 back in January. So, the basic premise of this is that you can speak into an Android phone and the phone dictates it into text. Theoretically, the algorithm can take up to 1,000 words, with quality degradation with more words spoken. Since it uses Google’s software in its server for the recognition, the phone has to be connected to data network, such as 3G or WiFi.

Let’s be honest, the voice recognition feature in a cellphone isn’t something new. Heck, even my 4-year-old Samsung dumbphone that I had before I bought a Galaxy S in Korea has that feature. The problem was, there weren’t many stuffs that you could do with it. For example, my old dumbphone could do this  and that, but I actually used it only few times when I was bored and felt like voice-dialing someone. Even having an iPhone didn’t change much. The problem was still that you couldn’t do much with it. (Call someone or play something.)

However, Galaxy S changed a lot of things. It was mainly because of Voice Search embedded into Android 2.1. When I wanted to quickly search for something, I would just activate the search and say it. Amazingly, the quality itself was pretty good. This was actually first time that I found voice recognition useful.

Then came the Speech-to-Text. I tried on my friend’s HTC Incredible equipped with Froyo (The app that has the feature runs only on Froyo at this point) which, I gotta say, it was pretty impressive. It recognized Korean no problem, with some issues in English. Maybe it doesn’t like my (or my friends’) pronunciation.

As I said, the voice recognition technology uses Google’s server backend. Good thing about this, of course, is that customers don’t have to download the update for the keyboard app as the recognition gets better, since all Google has to do is just update the recognition software in the backend. But of course, you have to be connected to Internet constantly, though most are usually connected on 3G data network, except for those data freaks who ferociously monitors their usage, probably either because they don’t have much data packets per month to start with, or they just use a lot.

I’ll probably find using Speech-to-Text rather than Voice Search. Main reason is because while the language in the search function is tied by the system language (meaning, if you want to search things in English, you have to change the system language of the whole phone into English), all you have to do on Speech-to-Text keyboard is to change the language on the keyboard (you can also set it up to forcefully only recognize Korean). Since I’m an Korean student studying in U.S. soil, being able to search in both languages is important. With that said, I’ll probably even use Speech-to-Text for searching as well.

Last, but not least, all these voice recognition technology could be used in solving some accessibility issues. Recently, I had a chance to attend a tech talk from Google, one of which was centered around accessibility in Android. For now, the technology included basic navigation using D-pad and QWERTY keyboard (so the feature is pretty much useless without those two), but then I thought it would be a good idea to merge the voice recognition capabilities to the accessibility, and when asked, the Google rep also said that aforementioned process will ‘eventually’ happen. (It’s difficult at this point since accessibility team and voice recognition team are separate).

Anyhow, it feels like now that voice recognition technology is finally finding its use through the smartphone, and I’ve seen the future through Google’s technologies.