
Samsung Series 5 Chromebook Review

Operating System solely based on a web browser? Crazy, you may shout. Well, whether you shout it or not, here it is. Google’s Chrome OS was teased by the search giant back in 2009, but it experienced series of delays due to development problems, and two years later, through Google’s pilot program with Cr-48 prototype laptop, (which, sadly, I didn’t get) it’s finally ready for consumer consumption.

Ever since last year, I was intrigued by what Google was trying to do here. I even thought that this could be the future of netbooks. The reason why I preferred tablets like iPad over traditional netbooks was that the latter’s operating system was not designed for mobile. It was heavy, and sometimes battery life was left to be desired, thanks to power-hungry system. Can this new laptop based on the new operating system change the future of netbooks? Or will its dramatically rethought concept reveal new problems?



(Click here for Hardware Gallery hosted by Google+)

Most netbooks feel really cheap. They use cheap materials, don’t get invested much in design, so they look ugly with ostentatious vents and plastic that looks like durability is not an issue — rather, it’s a constant thing a user have to live with. However, things are a bit different in Series 5.

I got an Arctic White model for review, and it looks pretty nice. Sure, white lid is still glossy plastic, (looks like the lid of the Titan Silver model is matte, which seems as a better option to me) but it’s done in a way that it doesn’t look cheap. Still, it would have been hard to tell Series 5 from a regular netbook if it wasn’t for Chrome logo at the bottom.

Unlike other netbooks that do not care about lines, Series 5 has a pretty distinct line. While its curved edges would not give a high-end feel, but it looks kinda cute and has its own identity. Inside of the Series 5 is made out of matte black plastic, which feels pretty nice on your hands when you’re typing and navigating through pages. Also, its palmrest doesn’t pick that much of palm prints, which is a plus.

Series 5 has two USB ports on each side, (one of them is hidden in a flap on the left) and VGA port (which needs a separate adaptor) is also on the left, hidden in the flap. Also on the left side is the charger port and 3.5” headphone jack, which looked similar enough for me to keep shoving my headphone into the charger port. On the right side, except for the second USB port, there is a SIM card slot and a developer switch, which you would use if you want to jailbreak (or reset the Chromebook into its original settings) under another flap. The hole is surprisingly big enough for a ballpoint pen to weave its way in. Not to mention, Series 5 also has an SD card slot on the below.

My review model had most of the latest wireless networking standards, such as dual band 802.11b/g/n WiFi and 3G module that supports both GSM and CDMA standards. However, strangely enough, it did not have Bluetooth, (I guess Google and Samsung didn’t feel that it was necessary) so I had to use the old-fashioned way to connect my Jawbone Jambox.

Series 5’s 12.1-inch profile means it may look big compared to other smaller netbooks, (if you want a Chomebook with smaller profile, Acer’s Chromebook has 11.6-inch profile) but at 3.3 pounds and 0.39 inches, it’s pretty light and thin. Due to some reasons, I had to carry both my old 15-inch MacBook Pro and this together from time to time in my giant North Face backpack, and it was still durable to carry. It even fit fine on my sling pack which I use to carry my iPad.

The laptop also features a HD webcam on the top, enabling HD video calls. Now, if only I had someone to call to… Also, speakers are there, but don’t expect something epic. It’s just a normal netbook speaker that you’d rather plug in your external speakers. It does work nicely in my quiet office when I occasionally played YouTube videos.

The Series 5 was pretty suitable to use on your ‘lap’, with lightweight profile and a pretty low heat emissions. It was only after using it for three straight hours before things did start to get heat up a bit, but still not enough to burn your lap.


Keyboard & Trackpad

Let me just say this out of water: I absolutely adore Series 5’s keyboard. Its chiclet style keyboard is nicely spaced, with pretty good feels on typing with pretty deep keystroke and distinct resistance. Power button is actually on the keyboard like the new MacBook Air, and the function keys are changed around in order to reflect Chrome OS’s nature: there are hardware keys for back and forward, refresh, (yes, really), full screen (removes all the tabs for you so that you can use every possible screen real estate you have), and window switch, which is a basic implementation of Spaces on OS X. Also, gone are Windows or Command key for just giant Control and Alt keys.

One thing I had hard time getting used to is that Caps Lock key was replaced with Search key. When I WANT TO SHOUT something, and I hit this button, new tab comes up with Google Search. It did remind me of the Search key on Android devices. Thankfully, you can switch this in settings. The keyboard is not backlit, and while that may cause some mayhem for some people, but since I already memorized the qwerty keyboard, it wasn’t a big deal for me personally.

While I’ve heard that Cr-48 prototype’s trackpad was a total disaster, Series 5’s trackpad was not too shabby for its price. Firstly, the trackpad is gigantic, even bigger than my three-year-old MacBook Pro, and probably matching the size of those that Apple ships in its laptops today. I even wished trackpad of this size to be on my Mac. While the surface was not made out of glass, it still had pretty good feel. Just like the ones in Apple laptops, the trackpad had button integrated, and the bottom 70% is the clickable area. The only few problems of the trackpad from the hardware point was that it was too big for laptop of this size that my thumbs would touch the trackpad, sometimes making unintended multitouch input, and the fact that while it did have a definite click, it required quite an amount of physical force. But I guess those are small niggles. Trackpad software, on the other hand… Sigh.



Series 5’s 12.1-inch, 1280×800 display has both its good sides and a bad side. The screen itself is pretty bright, and also it seems it has rudimentary automatic screen brightness adjust by ambient lighting. (but even after the adjustment, it seems to overshoot things a bit) The color seems pretty bang on, and did I mention that it was a matte screen? I know there are people who would love that decision. (I for one)

However, one slightly significant problem was that viewing angle was not as good as I hoped for. The screen started to wash out pretty quickly as I looked at the screen from the 45 degrees bottom, and 90 degrees top.


Chrome OS

(Click here for screenshot gallery of Chrome OS hosted by Google+)

Now, let’s get to the important bit, and the part that you’ve all been waiting for. The Chrome OS.

Well, I would like to say I have also been waiting for this moment. As stated above, I had high hopes for Chrome OS. Hardware of Series 5 proved to be very good. But, I already did say ‘had’, didn’t I? Well, here we go.

Simply put, Chrome OS is basically Chrome browser running on Linux kernel. To put things even simpler, the only native application on this OS is Chrome. Everything else is web-based. You can download ‘apps’ from Chrome Web Store, (just like you would on your Chrome browser) which are really just web sites (or ‘web apps’), with few exceptions such as TweetDeck, which was actually optimized for Chrome. To be honest, I like TweetDeck so much that I actually live with it, even on my Mac.

Setup process was pretty simple, with agreeing to few user agreements, connecting to WiFi, and then logging into my Google account. If it is successfully logged in, it loads up all the settings that I have synced through my account in my Mac’s Chrome, such as web apps that I have ‘installed’, themes that I have set up, and all the bookmarks and even passwords that I have saved on my Mac. On that front, it’s pretty amazing.

Chrome OS has pretty much all the features of the browser counterpart, such as all the tab support, new window, (which, in the OS version, becomes a fundamental implementation of Spaces) and even Incognito mode for private browsing. Its Settings menu resembles that of the browser a lot as well.

The OS also has a basic file manager which you can access in-device memory, (of which I’ve used mostly for saving screenshots) and external device, should you connect one through USB. However, there’s one fatal flaw: you can’t copy between those drives. Basically, I cannot take screenshots off my Chromebook to a thumbdrive. It sounds kinda crazy, but that’s the case here. The only way to export my screenshots is to upload in Picasa or some other web services. In this part, it feels quite unintuitive.

The OS’s Settings menu is also quite bare-bone. There are things added from the Settings menu from the browser, but it’s kept to minimum: some simple system settings, network settings, and accounts. There are not many ways to personalize the OS to your liking sadly. It does have a task manager, if you wish to kill some tasks that you think is slowing the system. It even shows how much of the network bandwidth each tab is actually using.

I also have to add that the system font on the OS is rubbish. Both English and Korean had some sort of artifacts all around the font. While fonts rendered on the web pages were much better, but the font on the system needs some work.

I already said that I absolutely love the trackpad hardware on the Series 5. However, I cannot say the same for its software. While I did like some of the gestures, such as dragging, which was clicking with one finger, then dragging with another, the tracking jumped everywhere, and the scrolling felt numb and not sensitive for my taste. However, the worst crime of all… is that it does not have horizontal scrolling. I mean, are you serious? If this is ‘improved’, I just cannot imagine how worse it was on Cr-48.



The Series 5 has dual-core Intel Atom N570 (1.66GHz) processor with 2GB RAM, 16GB SSD, and unspecified graphics unit. (I have to assume it’s some integrated chip by Intel) I mean, this hardware on an operating system that’s solely based on a web browser? It shouldn’t be a problem, right? Well… there are some problems.

I was genuinely surprised that the whole system was this sluggish. Scrolling would become choppy, and sometimes, TweetDeck would even struggle tracking my typing speed. (I could tell this even more prominently in typing Korean, of which letter is composed of multiple parts) I also figured that there is a significant problem within the OS controlling the memory, since I experienced several tab crashes due to the memory shortage, just with around six tabs open, and I even have experienced the entire OS crash itself. On a laptop with 2GB of memory, this felt really weird.

Adobe’s Flash Player comes bundled with the OS, and while it’s functional, I would advise you to limit yourself to watching YouTube videos. I think Google worked really hard on optimizing it for YouTube, so that works really well (it worked fine up to 720P, if the connection holds), but on few of the Flash-based video player, like CNET TV, the frame rate was dramatically reduced, and that (and also putting YouTube video on full screen) caused yet more “He’s dead, Jim!” moments. Honestly, I saw that page so much that it’s not even funny anymore. Situations were not much different on running Angry Birds, but for its defense, when I killed most of the tabs, then it ran the HD version with decent framerate. It reminded me of desktop PCs where I have to quit other processes to run a high-end game. I figured that the version of Chrome OS that I have tested has not the support for the hardware acceleration yet. I can only assume situation will be straightened out as Google updates the OS.

To end this section on a cheerful note, when it’s in better mood, Chromebook seemed to load pages faster than my MacBook Pro, probably thanks to its SSD. Also, I was surprised at how fast it boots and how fast it wakes up from sleep. As I opened the lid, I didn’t have to wait for anything. Maybe just for the display to come up.


Battery Life

Well, let’s come back to the praising part: Series 5’s battery is amazing. It has 8280mAh battery, which is even more than my old MacBook Pro, (which has around 5000mAh battery) and with the low-power system and software (it does seem to use less power) even after 4~5 hours of constant use, the battery still had 31% to go, with the remaining time clocking at 2 hours and 16 minutes, with playing Google Music in the background. Series 5 is the first laptop that I don’t have to bring the charger, (which is tiny, I might add) and not worry about running out of battery. I was really impressive by this.


Living with it

If you’re crapping your pants on that everything is web-based part, I’m with you. It’s surprising to think how much time we spend time online these days, and how much we depend on it. However, it’s again surprising there are places that we just cannot get online, due to various reasons. If you happen to be in one of these cases with your Chromebook, well, it is time for you to panic. There’s next to nothing you can do unless your Chromebook is online. Well, at least you can play Angry Birds, if that’s a consolation.

If you happen to live in the US, Verizon does cover you. When you buy a 3G version, Verizon will give you 100MB a month of data free for the next two years. Although according to my experience, that won’t go very far, especially when you start streaming music. You may eventually end up buying data package from Verizon, which does have various tiers for you. In my case, I simply connected to WiFi network provided by my Galaxy S’s 3G connection, which, under same connection condition, seemed to react much faster to than my MacBook Pro.

So, how was living with just the web? To tell you the truth, it wasn’t as bad as I thought. Once the Chromebook was online, I was surprised how many programs I used on my Mac could be substituted. I was already using TweetDeck on my Mac, but for iTunes, I used Google Music, and for Pages, I used Google Docs, (though, Korean input on this is beyond usable. Google should fix it ASAP) and such. Although there were some issues with performance as stated above, when it was fine, I could watch YouTube video with no issue.

Still, for obvious reasons, I think this can’t replace my regular MacBook Pro entirely. While I was positively surprised with the selection of web apps that Google offered on the Chrome Web Store, I still need a good photo editor, movie editor, coding interface (this was mainly the reason I had to carry both my Mac and Chromebook), Skype (I’m still surprised that Skype still doesn’t have a web app), games, and such. However, for outdoor uses, I loved how Chromebook fit into my lifestyle. Let’s be honest, I would not do most of those tasks that Chromebook lacks on the go really, would I?



It’s easy to dismiss Chromebook as a trainwreck in building. Most of them concern that there’s nothing to do when offline and that it is impossible to replace the laptop they have, and they are right in some ways. However, while Chrome OS may have its shortcomings and problems that are hard to fathom (such as strangely sluggish system), I think Chromebooks have a valid shot at changing and revitalizing the netbook market. I’ll be honest, you should not buy Chromebook as it is right now. While I loved the hardware of the Series 5, not only the OS itself is not fully baked yet, it is also very difficult to justify its $430(WiFi)/$499(3G) price tag, while a Windows netbook with similar specs is at around $300, and can do what Chrome OS do. (Like, say, running Chrome)

However, I still have hope for Chromebooks. Call me fanboy or whatever, but Chromebook is a new form of computing in the making: a complete transition to the cloud. The technology now, even counting that of Google, does not convey how awesome Chromebooks can become. But then, I think our minds about computing are also not just ready to accept where Chromebooks are about to go. I just wish that Google just doesn’t axe the whole project, but keep itself together. This may be the future we’re about to see.


Samsung Series 5 Chromebook
Price: $429 (WiFi) / $499 (WiFi+3G)


  • Solid hardware with unique design
  • Bright Display — and it’s matte!
  • Chiclet-style keyboard is quite comfortable to use
  • Extremely long battery life.


  • Display have low viewing angles
  • I keep shoving my headphone into charger port
  • Damn expensive.

Score: 8.5/10


Google Chrome OS
Price: (Included with Series 5)


  • Faithfully recreated Chrome browser
  • Runs Flash videos (such as YouTube) better than expected
  • Most web apps in Chrome Web Store runs well


  • Serious performance issue
  • Not much to do when offline (Maybe Angry Birds?)
  • Not an intuitive way to navigate through files
  • Web apps selection isn’t broad enough to have an alternative for what you do on a Windows netbook.

Score: 5.5/10

KudoReviews Movies

명탐정 코난: 침묵의 15분 Mini Review

No English version for this one.

명탐정 코난: 침묵의 15분 Detective Conan: Quarter of Silence

  • 감독: 시즈노 코분
  • 목소리 출연: 타카야마 미나미 (에도가와 코난), 야마자키 와카나 (모리 란), 코야마 리키야(모리 코고로), 야마구치 캇페이 (쿠도 신이치)
  • 제작사: 명탐정 코난 극장판 위원회
  • 국내배급: 미디어데이, 얼리버드 (수입 및 공동제공), CJ E&M (공동제공)

올해도 어김없이 코난이다. 극장판만 따져도 이제 15편째를 맞게된 침묵의 15분은 스펙타클있고 손에 땀을 쥐게 만드는 액션신이 많은 편이다. 특히, 극 초반에 코난이 스케이트보드로 터널을 역주행하는 장면이나 스노우보드를 타고 눈사태에 쫓기는 장면 등은 스릴있다. 만화답다고는 하나, 7살짜리 꼬마가 이 액션을 한다는것만으로 상당히 눈길을 끈다.

하지만, 요즘 극장판이 늘 그렇듯이, 추리에는 많이 치중을 하지 못한 분위기다. 이번 작은 특히 그렇다. 후반의 액션부에 시간을 주기 위해 코난이 확실한 증거를 가지지도 못하고 진실을 밝혀내는 초유의 사태가 벌어지지를 않나, 사실 그렇게 진실이 일찍 나오더라도 그간 있었던 일을 잘 생각해보면 비슷하게나마 결론에 도달할수 있음은 물론이다. 게다가, 중간에 키타노사와 마을(국내판은 북촌 마을)을 소개하는 과정에서 너무 스토리가 늘어지는 경향이 있는 것도 아쉬웠다. (이 마을이 일본에 실제로 존재하는지조차 확인이 안된다.)

하지만, 코난 극장판다운 스펙터클은 조금 그런 면에서 약했던 천공의 난파선보다 많이 좋아졌다는 점에서 추가점을 주고 싶고, 그리고 웬일로 아가사 박사의 퀴즈가 일본어 장난이 아니라는 것도 재밌는 요소다. 게다가, 자막판은 어떠한 지역화도 거치지 않은 개념번역으로 코난 팬들에게 엄청난 찬사를 받고 있다. 문제는 자막판이 이제 남은곳이 얼마 없다는거… 심지어 7광구보다도 재밌단다.

최종 점수: 8/10


KudoReviews Movies

Captain America: The First Avenger (퍼스트 어벤져) Mini Review

퍼스트 어벤져 Captain America: The First Avenger

  • 감독 Director: 조 존스톤 Joe Johnston
  • 출연 Cast: 크리스 에반스 Chris Evans (스티브 로저스/캡틴 아메리카 Steve Rogers/Captain America), 휴고 위빙 Hugo Weaving (요한 슈미트/레드 스컬 Johann Schmidt/Red Skull), 헤일리 앳웰 Haley Atwell (페기 카터 Peggy Carter), 토미 리 존스 Tommy Lee Jones (체스터 필립스 Chester Phillips)
  • 제작사 Studio: 마블 스튜디오 Marvel Studios
  • 배급사 Distributor: 파라마운트 Paramount Pictures

마블의 슈퍼히어로 기원 공식을 그대로 따르는 영화. 자체로서 봤을때는 상당히 재밌게 볼수 있다. 판타스틱 4의 휴먼 토치에서 캡틴 아메리카로 직종을 갈아탄 크리스 에반스는 이 영화에서 꽤나 선전하는 편이고, 페이싱이 좀 과도하게 빠른 부분도 몇몇 있었지만, 그것이 지속되는 경향은 없었다.

다만, 정말 아쉬웠던 부분은, 캡틴 아메리카의 단독 이야기로서의 잠재성이 내년에 개봉할 어벤져스로 인해 완전히 짓밟혔다는 점이다. 이 영화는 아이언 맨 2토르: 천둥의 신처럼 어벤져스 떡밥은 없었지만, 결론적으로 이의 바로 뒤 이야기가 어벤져스임을 감안할때, 영화 자체가 떡밥이 되버린다는 치명적 문제점이 있다. 즉, 장면장면마다 이를 느끼는것이 아니라, 영화 전체가 내년에 나올 영화의 예고편이라는 생각이 많이 들게 만든다. (실제로, 이 영화의 끝에는 어벤져스의 티저 예고편이 삽입되어 있다.)

그런 관계로, 캡의 1940년대 동료들은 모두 가차없이 버려진다. (영화의 대부분은 배경이 1942년이다) 캡이 일단 현대로 와야하기 때문에(어떻게 오게 되는지는 스포일러) 이들의 이야기는 발전할 기회도 잡지 못하고 바로 소멸당한다. 이들의 이야기에 대해서 충분히 풀지도 못하고 급하게 어벤져스로 넘어가는 분위기가 굉장히 아쉬운 영화였다.


Captain America: The First Avenger directly follows Marvel’s equation of superhero origin movies. I really enjoyed the movie. Chris Evans, who changed his job from Human Torch in Fantastic 4 to Captain America, made the transition quite well, and while there were some way-to-quick pacing issues, it did not last for long.

However, the biggest bum with the movie was that the potential of Captain America as a story arc has completely disappeared thanks to a movie opening next year, The Avengers. While there weren’t excessive references to The Avengers, such as Iron Man 2 or Thor, but the whole movie itself feels like a giant reference. Well, I think the whole movie feeling like a giant preview of The Avengers would be the right term. (Actually, the post-credits scene of this movie is actually the teaser trailer of The Avengers.)

So, Cap’s 1940s buddies are all just abandoned by the end of this movie. (The movie takes place in 1942) Since Cap has to come to the present somehow (I won’t tell you how) the story of these characters are just dead, even without a little hope of expanding. It felt like this movie was created to just advertise The Avengers, which was a huge bum. (But then, probably that’s the main purpose of this movie.)


최종 점수 The Final Score: 8/10